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Monday 7 November 2016

Reasons You Should Drink Water on a Fully Empty Stomach

Water is all over our bodies:
*90% in the brain
*83% in the blood
*22% in our bones
*75% in our muscles

It’s easy to conclude how this super simple liquid is essential to our health and life. Experts tell us that we should drink eight glasses of water every day to support our health – more if you’re physically active.

Instead of drinking sweet and alcoholic beverages, we should choose water above everything else. But the benefits are enhanced when you drink water on an empty stomach. Just eight ounces of water before you drink or eat anything can provide the following benefits:

1. Drinking water before anything else can flush the bowels , giving you the urge to move your bowels. As a result, your digestive tract is healthier.

2. Since you move your bowels and pee regularly, you expel toxins as well. It’s like you’re detoxifying yourself without the need for special ingredients.

3. Drinking water first thing in the morning can also help you reduce bloating.

4. Breakfast is still considered the most important meal of the day. When you drink water, it increases your appetite. Don’t worry about this because it is only for breakfast, which can help you consume your whole meal without problems. Later in the day, you won’t feel too hungry, which can actually help with weight loss.

5. Water right after you wake up can help prevent headaches. Headaches are often caused by dehydration, so drink water before taking anything to get rid of attacks early. Also, drink water throughout the day to keep headaches away.

6. Drinking water, particularly alkaline water , on an empty stomach can also prevent oral problems, such as mouth infections caused by bacteria as well as bad breath.

7. One of the best reasons why you should drink water early in the morning is that it cleanses the colon. This helps the body absorb nutrients better. The healthier your colon, the healthier your whole body becomes.

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