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Saturday, 14 April 2018

How to get rid of cold sores fast

Getting rid of cold sores can be tough, but not matter how tempting it is to scratch, it's the worst thing you can do - here are the best ways to banish cold.

1.   Ice cubes

Using ice cubes is similar to holding a bag of peas over a bruise. It reduces the swelling and helps the cold sore to heal.
Try to rub the ice cube on the cold sore a couple of times a day and avoid scratching for it to have the maximum effect.

2 . Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is rich in antiviral properties and has methanol, which is good for healing. This makes it an ideal solution for cold sores and safe to use. Soak a cotton ball in peppermint oil and dab gently three times a day. It'll help the cold sore disappear and sooth the irritation.

3. Cold sore patches

Cold sore patches are also available which are placed over the cold sore to hide the sore area while it heals. They contain a gel called hydrocolloid.

4. Light treatment
Electronic devices which treat cold sores with lights or lasers are sold at some pharmacies and online, however there haven't been many studies into these. The reviews are mixed, but here are a couple we've found online that could help get rid of your cold sores .

5. Drink Plenty of Fluids

Cold sores aren't directly caused by dehydration, but a lack of fluids can cause cause the virus to activate. With dry lips the skin is prone to cracking, which allows infection. Make sure to drink plenty of water as it won't only help your lips but your body health in general.

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