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Tuesday, 29 August 2017

The 5 simple health tips to boost your body and look after yourself better from top to toe


Wear shades – even in winter
“The greater your lifetime’s exposure to the sun’s UV rays, the higher your risk of irreversible damage to the retina, which can cause eye problems as you age, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD),” warns Professor Dan Reinstein, a specialist ophthalmic surgeon.
 “So be sure to wear your sunglasses whenever you spend time outside, even in the winter months or when it’s cloudy as there is still UV present.”
Do a daily eye workout
The following simple technique can exercise your eye muscles and help reduce tension headaches and eye strain caused by staring at a screen all day.
Imagine a giant figure of eight in front of you about 10 feet away. Now turn the eight on its side and trace the shape of the figure with your eyes, slowly. Do it one way for a few minutes, then go the other way.

Sip green tea
“Research has found that drinking green tea daily may help fight plaque bacteria, helping keep your teeth and gums healthy,” says Dr Uchenna Okoye, celebrity dentist at London Smiling.
Floss every other day
If you find it hard to floss daily, you’ll be pleased to hear it’s not the end of the world.
“Flossing every other day is enough,” says Dr Okoye. “The key is to get into the habit of doing it regularly so you disrupt the bugs from getting settled in.”
This will reduce your risk of gum disease – and it’s not just your teeth that’ll thank you. In the last 10 years, studies have linked poor gums to an increased risk of other health problems, including heart disease, diabetes and cancers


Eat a rainbow
The brighter and more varied the colours of fruit and veg – yellows, greens, purples and reds – the more loaded they are with wrinkle-busting antioxidants. A study by the University of St Andrews found women who ate lots of yellow and orange veg had healthier-looking skin and were rated more attractive!
Have sex twice a week
Couples with a healthy sex life (two to three times per week) look up to seven years younger, according to a study by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital – possibly because sex reduces stress and leads to a better night’s sleep.


Forget decongestants
Try this DIY remedy to relieve sinus pressure and a blocked nose.
Alternate pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then pressing between your eyebrows with one finger. According to Professor Lisa DeStefano, this causes the vomer bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth, loosening congestion. After just 20 seconds, you should start to feel your sinuses clearing.


Go on a ‘noise diet’
Wear and tear as we age causes damage to the nerves that send sound messages from the inner ear to the brain, causing hearing loss. However, learning to turn the volume of your life down can help reduce the rate of damage. Limit headphone use to an hour a day and choose noise-cancelling or large muff-style headphones, which are safer than ear buds as they drown out outside noise so you can have the volume lower. You should also turn your TV and radio down one notch (you soon get used to the lower setting) and use earplugs at music gigs.

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