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Monday 10 October 2016

Do you know having sex while pregnant is GOOD for you ? read 10 amazing health benefits that come from having sex while you're pregnant

Research shows that there are plenty of reasons to have sex before baby makes an appearance - from pretty epic orgasms to better sleep.

With swollen ankles, sore boobs and a growing baby bump, being pregnant might not make you feel particularly sexy. But it turns out that getting frisky with your partner might be absolutely the best thing you could do. There are plenty of reasons to have sex  before the baby makes an appearance - from pretty epic orgasms to better sleep (unless your GP advises you otherwise, of course).
We take a look at Ten amazing health benefits that come from having sex while you're pregnant.

 Boosts your immune system

Pregnancy naturally lowers your immune system so getting between the sheets can help boost your body back up to normal levels. Having sex increases Immunoglobulin A antibodies, which help to ward off colds and flu.

Less bathroom breaks

Feel like you always have to pee? Frequent trips to the bathroom, even leaking when you sneeze or laugh can happen when you’re pregnant. Plus, as your baby gets bigger and presses on your bladder, it can be even more uncomfortable. The good news is that the same muscles that you’ll be strengthening for your labor can also help with the flow of urine, said Tammy Nelson, PhD, author of Getting the Sex You Want.

 Lowers blood pressure

There is a risk, especially in the second trimester, of increased blood pressure in expectant mothers. Having sex releases plenty of oxytocin - a hormone - that will naturally lower blood pressure, act as a stress reliever and reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Preparation for labor

If you’re full-term or past your due date, having sex won’t put you into labor, but it can help your body prepare because semen contains prostaglandins which can help ripen the cervix.

Tightens your pelvic floor

Who needs Kegel exercises? Having sex fairly regularly while you are pregnant will help keep that pelvic floor as toned and strong as ever. This will also help with labour.

Amazing orgasms

You might not feel up to it, but sex while you're pregnant will give you some of the best orgasms you've ever had. That alone might be reason enough to tempt you. Pregnancy increases your levels of estrogen and progesterone, which means there is more blood flow in your pelvic region. With all this going on, erogenous zones in your body become more sensitive and touch is heightened - meaning you're in for a long lasting, intense finish.

 Sleep soundly

It's fairly common knowledge that men need a kip straight after sex owing to the hormones they release. Pregnancy sex can do the same for women. That surge of endorphins having sex gives you will help you nod off no problem. Introducing the vaginal facelift - it takes just 15 minutes and promises to improve your sex life.

Stress reduction

Although pregnancy is usually a happy time, it’s normal to worry about things like work, finances and how your life will change after your baby is born. Oxytocin, the love hormone that your body releases when you have an orgasm, can help to negate some of that stress and also help you sleep better.

 Prevents pre-eclampsia

This all come down to sex lowering your blood pressure as pre-eclampsia occurs when a woman's blood pressure raises significantly during her second trimester. While you should always monitor your diet when carrying a child in order to keep your blood pressure stable, sex can also help. Sperm contains a special type of protein that not only lowers blood pressure but also helps to regulate the immune system.

 Better bonding 

We understand that you might feel unattractive during pregnancy, therefore it's easy to push  your partner away and say no to sex. However, the endorphins rush that both of you will get from having sex will make for a closer, loving relationship. Why? Because oxytocin is the hormone responsible for attachment and love. This also stands for you and your baby, who will benefit from the increased hormone levels in your body.

Visit the NHS website for official health advice on sex during

Photo credit:  foxnews.com

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